Acne is not just one particular type of skin stain; This is a skin disease. This is the inflammation of the sebaceous gland and produces blackheads, nodules, papules and cysts are all divided into superficial acne and deep acne. Acne is most familiar with, general zits, or superficial acne vulgaris. Cystic acne is a deep acne that can cause shame and scar.
Acne is generally divided into two types: inflammatory acne and non-inflammatory acne. While acne pathogenesis is not fully understood, it is reported that hormone changes are mostly the cause. This is partly based on observations that the castrated men do not seem to get acne. Propionibacterium Acnes also has a role in creating this inflammatory acne. This bacterial lipase breaks down triglycerides in sebaceous oil from the follicular gland wall and this leads to inflammation.
Superficial zits
This is a vulgaris acne and can often be managed effectively with acne treatment. Among these acne manifestations are simple blackheads and Whiteheads. The only difference between the two blackheads is that blackheads are comedone open and exposed to oxygen. Chemical reactions between keratinous materials in blackheads and oxygen produce color changes at the tip of the blackhead, playing chocolate or black. Whitehead is covered by a thin microscopic epithelial layer and thus protected from interacting with oxygen.
Papules, nodules, and pustules are still in the category of superficial acne. Superficial cysts are also a simple characteristic of acne. This type of zits has the best chance to heal without causing scar formations. If inflamed blackheads or pustules are being manipulated, where many other bacteria will be introduced, then developments to the type of acne that can follow. Again, acne treatment will help reduce the breakout of superficial types.
Acne inside.
This is often the result of traumatic efforts to express blackheads or whitehead. In this effort, other bacteria were introduced. The function of the body tries to neutralize invasion bacteria, will contribute to the formation of very inflamed nodules and deep pus pockets, also known as cysts. If the cyst breaks out, the contents will be expelled. If they break into, abscesses will be formed. With deep acne, the scar tissue is very common. Unfortunately the acne lesions will be on the face or neck. Sometimes, the upper back and chest are also involved with acne lesions.
Acne care
Superficial zits will be treated differently from acne inside. With some superficial zits, there is no medical treatment that is usually needed. You can try a small face mask or strip applied to your skin. When you pull the mask or strip, the blackheads will be pulled out of the skin. Most naturally will complete with the right cleanliness. If you have a type of shallow pustules acne, applying topical or clindamycin erythromycin is often very useful.
Free drugs can usually be used with very good results. For deep acne, medical care by the doctor is needed. Topical treatment for cysts or abscesses filled with pus is futile. Need systemic therapy. Drugs such as erythromycin, tetracycline, minocycline and doxycycline all have a place in severe acne treatment. Some of these drugs have worse side effects than others and your doctor must decide what is best for you. In the case of refractory, the synthetic vitamin isotretinoin medicine is prescribed, but certain precautions must be taken with this drug before being prescribed.